A lawyer who understands business and business law is a valuable partner. You may need legal assistance with planning and contracts, or you may need help to minimise risks or represent you in a dispute situation.
At Wain & Naysmith Lawyers, we pride ourselves on our local knowledge and our ability to interpret and apply commercial law in all sorts of unique situations.
We sometimes find that in a region like Marlborough, business arrangements can spill over into family law, property law or have implications for estate planning. So having a relationship with our firm across both personal and business arrangements is a good idea.
Your own situation and legal needs will be unique to you, and we always work to understand your situation before giving any advice. Some of the issue we can help with include:
- Buying or selling a business
- Buying or selling a commercial building
- Construction contracts
- Commercial contracts
- Grape supply agreements
- Shareholder agreements
- Joint ventures and JV agreements
- Commercial lease agreements and/or rent reviews
- Business restructuring
- Succession planning and ownership structure
- Helping with the legal aspects of new business plans
- Debt collection
- Business related disputes
- Employment contracts and personal grievance disputes